Company Values & Vision

Here at QQ Trend, the following five principles have guided us:

  • Freedom
  • Global Mindset
  • Data is our horizontal
  • Leave It Better Than We Found It
  • The Q is for Quality


At the very heart of our values is the belief that open source and open data are Good Things.

This encompasses not just the idea that the power over society’s infrastructure should not be controlled by just a few people but that transparency creates better quality and security.

Freedom also applies to staff and contractors: people are allowed and encouraged to be creative and, as much as is practical, to work on the things they enjoy. People who need to be closely managed, hour by hour, are not a good fit for the company. People who say “leave it with me”, and come back at the end of the week with a novel solution are. Even if it is a novel solution to a problem none of our customers have.

Work hours are flexible, and we are very open to people who want to work part-time for a part-time wage. Perhaps you are supporting yourself for a PhD, or want to be a stay at home parent, or are working on your own start-up idea.

Global Mindset

Since day one of the company, our clients have been all over the globe, as have our staff and contractors, as has our server infrastructure.

21st century technology enables us to work across timezones, national boundaries and language barriers, in a way that would not have been practical before. Which isn’t to say face-to-face time isn’t valuable, especially at the start of relationships and the start of projects.

Data is our Horizontal

People talk about verticals, but we are a horizontal company: our focus is dealing with complex data and the complex problems that arise, and we find the approach, skills and solutions tend to be the same, whatever the industry.

On the other hand, we also have great respect for expert knowledge in each industry: we are practical and pragmatic, and don’t expect one-solution-fits-all. So we partner with domain experts as each project demands. Often those partners are also our clients, of course. The partnership mindset means that, although the customer is always right, we will keep drilling in until we understand why you are right.

Leave It Better Than We Found It

This vision applies at all levels. From contributing a bug report and test case on an open source project, through to enhancing the lives of clients, investors, employees and contractors, right through to finding ways to make the world a more sustainable, more efficient and, ultimately, a happier place. We support the idea of population reduction by peaceful means. If you are working in birth control, education or empowerment of the poor we will enjoy working with you more than if you are designing weapons.

The Q is for Quality

The Q-List. Like Hollywood’s A-List. The people we turn to when the going gets tough. Our staff and contractors are expected to be world-class in their field, or aspiring to be. We don’t chase high-volume, low-margin. We get our kicks off of working on the hardest problems. We are a small team of experts. We have no ambitions to be the biggest. Only to be the best.

For staff and contractors, there is no discrimination on the grounds of gender, race, nationality, religion, sexual preference: if you are outstanding at what you do (or really badly want to be, and think working with us will help you get there), and you are in harmony with at least most of these values, we want to talk to you.

Brought to you by QQ Trend.

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